Thursday 31 December 2015



 Dear Friends,

 I hope you are well and that you enjoyed your holidays !
 I also hope and pray for all those who are suffering today that they will find help and a new path
to a beautiful future !

 I would like to share a few reflexions,
 moments of silence, meditation, prayer, contemplation.. have brought me…
 Sometimes you can find yourself at crossroads in your life and you better stop and think

 I have been hinting continually that we should stop thinking like a clan/tribe narrow way of mind which is isolating us often in bigottery or hatred.

We need to reach out to Universalove inside of each one of us to consider others with a new loving neutral eye and not ... I already know everything about such person.... because of the hateful stamp stuck on that person by my clan mentality which is influencing me to judge/condemn that person….

It is true and I am sure many of you will agree that we learn how appearences are misleading with time anyhow and that we owe to ourselves and each other to take time to get to know individuals as much as take time to research for the real truth….

 I have also been advocating for allowing a new form of independant media expressing fresh original views and sometimes even in the shape of conspiracy doctrines or other type of exposure of corruption and real truth….
However at times I have been finding for myself that such apparent independant media were themselves controlled by different adverse groups and keep on accusing each other of the same crimes…. No wonder one keeps doubting about anything being truly genuine nowadays…

 I have also expressed that what we must come up against are ATTITUDES not people...Yes its true some people had or have such BAD unfair even criminal attitudes generating unfair/criminal actions that its difficult to dissociate some with what they think or do… I am not saying either that one should tolerate abuse or not operate a kind of justice ...although lets be aware of how limited our human justice is limited that it can also be corrupted as we often find out…

What I am saying is that we need to stop talking out of hatred for people dont belonging to our clan/tribe….of thought ! Since its not only about ethnical/social/gender etc clan mentality but also about type of philosophy etc

Lets consider all thing and each one through the as much as possible objective gentle eyes of universalove… Calling people names whilst harbouring the same narrow minded corrupted attitude/goal...will not change the problem but add to the problem…

 Observe what happened with the French Revolution ...all these people killed… with the guillotine ...Its true these people were cruel/abusive etc However which type of society did the revolution blood thirsty brought ? Crime attracts crime...Violence attracts violence… In the new France, revolutionaries kept killing each other seeing continually in each other traitors...this obsessive blood spilling culture was leading nowhere else than to a butcher like society… Are French people better off since ? The abominable taxes on small businesses for instance ...are still a sign that the same abusive greedy type of people are ruling poorer and poorer mass audiences…nowadays... Unfortunately stopping poorer individuals to be creative and start their own business by over taxing them is to me the worse crime in the universe ! Since everyone should be entitled to work freely and use their God given talents to provide for their own needs …

 In the UK where not such blood bath had been seen, people had a better deal for a longwhile…
Yes I admit this golden time is over now in the UK where many people work but dont get paid enough to meet their normal living expanses…. I know everything about it since I struggled myself for decades with badly paid day jobs whilst working at the same time also for free as a volunteer in my humanitarian mission...
 I am now still thinking about how to help that I am considered as a retired person...I will not stop working at my spiritual/humanitarian mission as I always did even since young… although in a different I am not as much on the field now and that I must accept the changes in my body etc...

 I had to take some time, silence, distance and always will I will explain more on a new blog I will soon tweet you too, where I wish to help you reflect about the virtues of silence… to really avoid crossing lines….

 As a spiritual, feminine, humanitarian, artistic...I wish to keep my identity… and refuse to cross the line ….no, I am not a politician…. I am not a violent revolutionary ...I am not a Barabas…

But its so easy to cross the line !!! without realizing it ! Its so easy to get manipulated by clans/tribes who pretend to speak a universal langage only to trap you in serving their own dubious private interests...

 Now you will tell me what I just say is contradictary with how I started… No its not...its dialectic…. What I mean is that …

I am by no means a globalist ...a New world order adept...or a world religion adept…
 Sorry for disappointing some but I am a free spirit not belonging to any group !!!
 Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of viewpoint, freedom of keeping everything that makes of each one of us a precious individual with a unique identity is essential… and at the chore of what I am trying to bring about...

This is why I disagree with such quote...

“When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.”  Jiddu Krishnamurti

As this words are an open door to religious persecutions and all sorts of persecution for any reason inherent to the unique identity/difference of any individual.... under a totalirian way of thinking pretending to be universal....

Unfortunately globalism too often tries to dictate us there is only ONE WAY OF BEING… called by such globalist clan THE UNIVERSAL WAY ! and if one is not that way and does not act that way Then one is a terrorist or any other nasty name! Including seen as violent!!! just for being oneself...
as deep identity is not only made of universal values but subjective personal unique traits and beliefs...

This type of doctrine is worst than communism because it kills each individual at the root to make of them robots/clones with no identity….no right to be here..
 Appearently it does speak about universalove as I do and it does boast of helping us to unite but deeply it is aiming at destroying our freedom of thought hence freedom of speech….questioning so our freedom of existence...
 I wish you to understand that I am not advocating for globalism either…. I am not for any clan...including the globalist one…

 I have friends who belong to many different clans...including the globalist one…
 I dont hate them because they think some ways ...than I do…

 What I see is the INDIVIDUAL…. each one of us has inner beauty and inner chaos to offer…

 I focus on the inner beauty of my friends and I pray for their inner weaknesses…
 As I know that myself I have some inner beauty and some very ugly sides too…

 What is ugly ? What is beautiful ? Its very subjective even though one tries its best to call upon universal values….

 When I speak about Universalove ...I am very much about finding a common reference where we can all meet as friends… I am not saying we must renounce our unique identity…ethnical origin, clan, beliefs, thoughts etc...

 Even though sometimes our unique identity is what causes us to dislike each other or enter in conflict against each other…. 

My point is that its precisely the common ground of Universalove which can help us to still value each other whilst ACCEPTING and even VALUING these complete differences between our unique identities ! 

 I made this video above...Your difference is your encourage us to love our uniqueness... and there is no violence in being unique ..

Violence resides in forcing all to think the same way!

 So when I speak about Universalove...
  I am not at all saying we should all become identical...all look the same...all think the same...all behave the same etc...etc…

This would mean total death of the individual and total control of a clan... such as the globalist one for instance...and not freedom at all and not Universalove at all…

This would mean a dictatorship of globalists over the rest of humanity !

Which could turn even uglier than communism with its concentration camps… reeducation camps etc.

 I see each one of us … a precious living piece with its unique texture, colour, sound etc
indispensable part of the huge mosaic of humanity !

 Seeing we all are part of this beautiful mosaic helps to remember we are spiritually connected to becoming one ...not by force...not by might… but through the spiritual conviction of Universalove growing freely in each one of us ...progressively ….

 Friends, I am not a politician and never will be… I am not a Barabas…

My source Yeshua/Christ was very different from Barabas… as His spiritual revolution had to do with Universalove and not with any earthly kingdom... to rule… He advocated against violence and bloodshed… If one uses the sword one will perish by the sword….MATERIALISM...has nothing to do with SPIRITUALITY...please let us not get manipulated in mixing both realms...

 I am deeply a non violent and must remain deeply who I am within my own precise identity ...
a spiritual humanitarian feminine artistic…
  and at the same time I do my best to anchor my higher self in Universalove to try to love you whatever your differences…

 And You ...Who are you ?

 I hope this inspired you
Much love to all,

sister lucy

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