Sunday 1 November 2015




Dear friends,

As I am writing my book called THE FRUITS OF EVIL, THE DIVINE FRUITS OF LOVE…

I am noticing that historically the concept of Universalove has been more defined 
by males than females….

This has to do with the male supremacy and tyranny humanity has been subdued from 
the first primitive societies where the concept of Force was determining who is in
 charge ….

Today we all realise that coercing is actually a negative violent and primitive
manner of conducting our lives and social relationships….

We became a lot more polished…

but why ? So why ? Are wars still raging ….

Wars not only between countries ...but wars between groups, gangs, individuals etc

The law of force still ruling our world….
The richest the most intelligent the most powerfull etc 
everything which has to do with competition ...being superior...being on top…
is obeying the law of force and coertion…

Whats all the racist rants about ? If not that a racial group firmly beleives they
 deserve to crush all others and to be the masters in charge of the universe to 
dictate to other ethnical groups what to do to think etc

Arent all the racial disputes about establishing a kind of racial supremacy ?

This law is sad absurd and totally unfair...but we seem to be stuck into it….

I maintain that it is because only primitive tyrannical male egoes had a
 supremacist position through force to impose their own logics and view of our
 world in every field...even the religious and spiritual one ….
very unfortunately….

Observe all religions and even spiritualities...philosophies as the majority of 
them are lead by males….

Scientists have seen a difference between the right and left side of the brain….

I believe that spiritual feminine virtues are projecting a totally different 
way of seeing EVERYTHING...but they have been silenced too the law of 

So am I now saying that we need to replace the supremacist male view by a
 supremacist female view ?

Of course we would still find ourselves stuck in the same law of force
 but reverse….

I have expressed many times that to me its all about the New Man/the New Woman 
together ONe hand in hand …

However because spiritual feminine virtues have been silenced too long we can
 obtain this equal wholeness whithin their difference long as spiritual 
feminine virtues are allowed to express themselves freely without dictat from
 tyrannical male ego…

When I speak about spiritual feminine virtues I am not especially speaking about 
females although they are the inherent upholders of spiritual feminine virtues BY 

But some females have male qualities and flaws whilst some males happen to have
 grown feminine virtues and flaws….

I am speaking about an inner disposition….which has been belittled and despised
 as seen as weak….

Of course all which was the opposite of the law of force and coertion was to
 be ridiculed as weak so to be rebuked and oppressed …
However and this is not contradictory but quite obviously essential ....
 I also believe that because females born females are natural inherent upholders
of spiritual feminine virtues they have by birth a natural genuine 
feminine disposition which gives them a unique perspective of these virtues...
Hence I also feel that male oppression has not only tried to silence them
through a masculine use of force but now also through a perversion of feminine
input through gender confusion....
Both are an oppression silencing spiritual feminine virtues...
since through gender confusion we are told that males who become females
through surgery etc are better females than females born females and the 
ones best placed to represent feminine condition....
This is not new although flourishing more visibly today...since the antiquity
tyrannical primitive male egoes in charge looked down on females born females
as for being inferior and favoured each others that they were
already indulging in role plays confusing genders by some of them representing
females in the male way...
Since to them a female incarnated by a male knows best what males like...
and can provide with the perverted sexuality etc...what they see as sexy...
etc Debauchery, boasting etc etc all sorts of primitive tyrannical male egoes
Indeed what they are trying to pass for spiritual feminine virtues
 are in essence all the opposite of spiritual feminine virtues which are all 
about abnegation, caring, nurturing, purity, chastety etc...etc
and remain male in essence!!! 
Hence these perversion and gender confusion are only trapping those who suffer
such personality troubles in their own distress of tyrannical male primitive egoes...
and with them all the rest of us as they are forcing their devious model on 
the rest of us....
Unfortunately the genuine individuals who are gay are as much victims of such
manipulation.... which is as toxic to them....
I have put above a video about a film called Dressed to kill...
some of you may already know...
explaining a bit such pathology... 
If you are like me awaken and aware of the perversion inflicted upon mother nature
(for instance, genetic manipulations on crops, chemtrails etc) and spiritual 
feminine virtues on our planet by a minority of psychopaths...destroying the 
genuine balance of the universe between good male values and spiritual feminine might feel sometimes the main stream media
seems to force upon us all a unique message which is so times...
Dont give in despair or think there is no way out...although seen as the
masses...we seem so disorganised and so vulnerable....
A few nights ago I had a vision when praying for us all....about this urgent
same concern...and I felt that Source Divine me Yeshua/Christ and
Mother Mary...told me to read Isaiah 40 and the Bible...
Telling me clearly that true Universalove...LIFE itself... feminine true nature...
bringing life...can never Christ proved it by coming back resurrected...
definitely overcoming so all evil forces...
He/She told me dont might feel weak but I am strong and I will deliver
all of you ...according to my divine plan....since nothing is impossible to me...

I believe that if each one of us follows what we believe to be true in our hearts
and has the courage to do what is right everyday...bringing our input of good male
values or spiritual feminine virtues...we will then keep being lead by the Holy 
Spirit to accomplish the VICTORY PLAN of SOURCE DIVINE....

Evil forces cannot but eliminate each other by themselves...our duty is actually
to pray for a maximum amongst them to repent as their final destination is very
worrying for themselves if they dont change....they need more help than us!

I hope this will reassure I am sure brothers and sisters of good will...
following the plan of Universalove, we will always meet...and be more than
conquerors .... together....
If I come back to a historical reminder...who were the great saints always 
quoted and still quoted ?


From Buddha to Gandhi to Saint Francis of Assisi…
even the antique philosophers with a spiritual insight…
Plato etc were MALES….

As they were ruled by the law of force they would take their inspiration from 
at the same time tyrannical male primitive egos and good male values…

Good male values are the main component of OUR RELIGIONS AND SPIRITUAL

It is very find females...although it mother earth...
goddesses...Mary...etc ruling the world…

They inspire spiritual feminine virtues but distorted under the dictat of male
 tyrannical egos or filtred by the censorship of good male values…
Even the many females Catholic Saints never had the freedom to share directly
their personal spiritual revelation but had to submit to the male interpretation
of the priest in charge of them personally.... 
 Why ????

Simply because from the beginning females have been seen to exist with the only
 purpose to serve males…

As chiken have been seen with the only purpose to feed humans….

Etc etc...etc…

This prejudice is so deeply engraved in male supremacist world simply because of
 the law of force and not anything else….

The law of force has been rationalised, justified….all along...with religious or
 spiritual stories upholding the unquestionable and unquestioned authority of male 
leaders since the law of force is not to be questioned…

It is abrupt violent domeneering blind !!!

Well, sorry but I am now questioning it as many other women…

Females who are not haters of men myself…

Once again I am not a hater of men and I actually made funny videos to explain 
this I happen to love men…

This personal attraction to males have been one of my greatest struggle during 
all my life and even sinful personal weakness…

So that I dont think anyone is entitled to call me a hater of males…

I have spent years of my life serving/understanding/befriending etc males…
starting with my dear husband I am totally devoted to and some say I love too

and many male friends/brothers etc I deeply value. Love and get on with…

However...if I am analysing these things it is for your benefit more than mine 

I must confess that although I love males for themselves...I have also been 
victim of their exploitation oppression discrimination etc
within the law of that this is not a blind silly love…

But I know that the only path to love is to be one instead of fighting…

or imposing the law of force either side….

You cant love on your own…

Here I wish precisely to warn against what I see as a great illusion…

The spiritual findings called detachment or unattachment….
Which are also invented by males…

Firstly i wish to define some of the spiritual feminine virtues as for being…
inclusive...nurturing...caring...conserving...maintening...etc etc..

Females by giving birth to children usually ...I admit not all of them...display 
the inner spiritual gift called maternal instinct…
which is all about taking care of children materning...not only giving birth and
 they leaving forsaking the child to die on his own…
but its all about the TAKING CARE OF THE CHILD…

which can actually pushed to an extreme become you can see so 
many mothers unable to let go…
and become possessive abusive mothers because to them their adult child
is still the baby they think they need to take care of….

This is a deeply conservative element in our society which is also needed as
we need to clean our houses everyday…
we need to maintain our equipments in good condition etc
we all have found out that buying using throwing is not the solution

as we keep polluting more and more our planet this way….

This deep spiritual feminine virtue is then in total contradiction with
what is called detachment or remaining unattached which is by excellence
the manifestation of a MALE philosophy directly connected to the law of force…


Leaving all his obligations of maintenance and caring to enjoy the exhilarating   
exciting ventures of wars….
Whilst weak females remain at home ….tending the nest…

I wish here not to undermine what some spiritual males have found out and 
explained as some of them were trying to bring about good male values to our
world with a very genuine motivation to bring about universalove….

However i wish to explain that because their revelation was not completed by 
spiritual feminine virtues they did not get to find true universalove but still 
an emanation of the male law of force….

But please let me make my point here…

If I consider some SAGE like Buddha for instance...or some Buddhist monks teachings
 about universalove...they will explain the difference between 
what they see as selfish...egotic...or lower attachments/love…
and higher self….universalove…

Amongst what they include as for being low love they quote marriage love from a man
 to a of your of your family…

As monks some of them have renounced marriage to consecrate to meditation and what
 they see as genuine universalove….
So that they are honest and pure about it by remaining chaste...which means
they have no sexual activity at all...and spend their days meditating praying etc
 and showing a genuine unconditional kindness to strangers they serve
with no self interest at all…

Unfortunately….the reality is very different indeed…

We all have been shocked to learn that catholic monks/priests for instance 
would grope or rape young male children or have hidden affairs….

We all have been shocked to find that some of these philosophies have often 
ended up in extreme sects where everyone suicides and the guru in charge 
is worshipped ...and ends up extorcing lots of money to the rest of the group…

Even when these sad weaknesses are not licking through such superiority based
legalistic systematic teachings…

One can see a huge contradiction….

So called Saints such as Saint Francis of Assisi and Buddha ...had wives and that to live their superspiritual male venture of intellectual
detachment they found it morally right and ethical to leave the female slave
at home with all the responsiblities of maintenance of their own ACTIONS….
The fruit of their womb...

One can say this is not especially loving even in male language ?

So the only way round it is to call…
taking care of your family an inferior quality of love…
whilst pontification in front of crowds about the true nature of universalove

whilst leaving all your responsibilities to others...
seems so superior and above the ego !!!!

Well sorry but I dont see things that way at all…

If I follow their own reasoning ...the lowest form of love is the love for one
selfish ego….

Right...I agree…

Then what is the opposite of one selfish ego ?

Is to love others in a sacrificial love….

Cleaning the toilets is quite a sacrificial love to me as well as changing 
nappies….you will admit that no one of us really likes doing these things by 

Spending time meditating on your own in front of admirative crowds waiting for
 your latest wonderful discovery…

mainly females admirers panting over your oh so spiritual mastery as a so wise

seems to me a lot more feeding the low ego than the higher self….

I hope you forgive my sense of humour…

But what I see very often in this type of MALE spirituality and philosophy
is that the spiritual lets not forget HERO/WARRIOR….
Because it is all what it is about…

although very desipsful of his own ego and basic needs….

Often ends up promsicuis sexually with many females or males…

but this is okay...there is a way round it…

its not dirty sexual promiscuity…

its sacred sex...sacred sexual orgies….

Ordinary Prosaic people stick stuck in their small egoes cannot understand…
how spiritual we are when we have promiscuis sex as gods and goddesses with 
multiple orgasms...they dont get it….they are too low...

Well Well Well…

Unfortunately too often these male interpretation of detachemt non attachment
 philosophies end in a too well known familiar pattern…

You have the elite...highest social class...instead of the highest self…
bumping each other on high… addicted to intellectual spiritual  pleasures...drug...
peodophylia etc etc

and the slaves….kept busy to work at the non attractive maintenance for their
 everyday needs…

Sorry...but to me its all the opposite…

AS as feminine spiritual virtues promotter I am working at my own definition…
of universalove...
But firstly I will need to define to me what is the lower ego/opposed to
 the highest self…
All this of course...I will do in my book I am still writing... 
as it will be far too long here...
 This is I hope ...for some of you an incentive to read my book when ready? 
Much love to all,
sister lucy 

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